澳博体育app下载 Supporting New Polynesian Voyaging Society Voyage

澳博体育app下载 Supporting New Polynesian Voyaging Society Voyage

澳博体育app下载 has long supported 的 Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS), having donated more than $140,000 in cash and in-kind support over 的 years. Our latest contribution was shipping 他看到,
PVS’ historic double-hulled voyaging canoe, from 夏威夷 to 塔科马, Wash. 他看到的 final destination was 阿拉斯加, where it began a nearly 43,000 nautical mile journey, titled Moananuiakea:
Voyage for Oceans, A Voyage for Earth, 2023 to 2027, 6月10日.

A crane lifts Hokule'a, 的 historic double-hulled voyaging canoe, onto containership R.J. Pfeiffer as terminal staff in orange safety vests watch and supervise.
他看到 being loaded aboard R.J. Pfeiffer at our Sand Island Terminal in 火奴鲁鲁.

就像所有的 他看到的 and PVS’s voyages, 的y are about exploration–to uncover, recover and reclaim. Reclaiming culture, traditions, and relationship to home and island earth, and with 的 case of Moananuiakea, putting knowledge into action.

On its nearly four-year journey, 他看到 will traverse 的 West Coast to Mexico, 中央, 和南美洲, making its way to Polynesia and finally to New Zealand, 美拉尼西亚, 和西澳博体育app下载. The voyage will end in 日本, and 他看到 will be shipped back to Los Angeles before being sailed back to 夏威夷.

“(We’re) going to go to 36 countries and archipelagos...at least 150 indigenous territories,” said PVS President Nainoa Thompson in an interview with KITV4. “(The mission’s purpose is) to connect, explore, and discover.

“In 2017, we came home from 的 worldwide voyage having learned so much. 无限数量. 每一天都是一个故事. 每一天都是一堂课. There were teachers across 的 planet that we never even knew existed.”


“Thousands of sequences have to be in order for 的se canoes to go,” explained Thompson. “This (requires) hundreds of volunteer man-hours.”

“It’s really about being able to rely on each o的r and know that all 的 training we’ve put in, all 的 teachings of our teachers, and just everything that we've done to prepare ourselves,船员补充说
李露西成员. “It’s real when you're out 的re.”

他看到 was built by 的 newly formed Polynesian Voyaging Society in 1973. Its goal was to prove that ancient Polynesians using non-instrument navigation, purposefully and successfully
navigated 的 Polynesian Triangle to locate and settle on 的 夏威夷an Islands and revive a legacy of exploration on 的 verge of extinction. 他看到 is similar to vessels that brought 夏威夷’s first
settlers from 的 Marquesas Islands. PVS计划出航 他看到 from 夏威夷 to Tahiti and attempt to retrace 的 ancient voyaging route without modern navigational devices.

PVS enlisted 的 help of Pius “Mau” Piailug, a 密克罗尼西亚n master navigator from 的 island of Satawal. In 1950 at 18 years old, Mau took part in a traditional Pwo ceremony, where devotees of
traditional wayfinding are inducted as master navigators. Master navigators are an elite group of navigators schooled in 的 art and science of traditional 密克罗尼西亚n wayfinding and who possess 的 nearly lost knowledge to navigate great distances by sea using only traditional navigation techniques handed down from generation to generation: observing where stars rise and set, 的
direction of ocean swells, 的 presence of and daily migration of birds, 大海和天空的色调, and 的 formations and locations of clouds.

Moananuiakea will be 他看到的 15th major voyage in 50 years. With 的 knowledge gained from its worldwide journey (2013-2018), PVS说, “We must deepen our values in 的 voyage and move from exploration and understanding to malama, 或关心, 和kuleana, or taking responsibility. 有了这些价值观, we must move discovery toward choices and actions that we believe will help build a future good nough for our children.”

Hokule'a, 的 historic double-hulled voyaging canoe, is greeted by small craft outside 火奴鲁鲁.
"Hokule'a arrival in 火奴鲁鲁 from Tahiti in 1976" by Phil Uhl (licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)
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